It’s important that you get satisfactory answers to your questions about Apple Valley Waste and the services we provide. That’s why we’ve put together a list of some of the questions we get asked most often. If you have a question and don’t see the answer here, please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with a prompt response!
Does Apple Valley Waste offer waste management services in my area?
AVW is proud to serve counties throughout the tri-state area of West Virginia, Maryland and Virginia, as well as the D.C. metro area.
How do I set up services with Apple Valley Waste?
AVW is more than happy to assist you with setting up service for your home or business and/or recycling services! Please call us at (304) 724-1834 or toll free at (877) 267-1280, and a customer service professional will gladly assist you. You can also contact us online to request service. AVW wants to help you get set up with waste management services that are right for you!
Does Apple Valley Waste offer dumpster rental services?
Apple Valley Waste offers a variety of roll-off rentals and compactors depending on where you live, to meet unique project needs. Please visit the respective For Your Business page for your state to learn more about dumpster rental service options in your area, or contact us to discuss rental service options.
Is Apple Valley Waste hiring?
AVW is always looking for professional, safe and environmentally minded team members to fill open positions. Check out available career opportunities today!